Digital Exercise 3: Flash Video

“Always On” Flash Video

In ways we have already discussed, our digital environments encourage speed. We read quickly, we’re expected to respond quickly, and we’re quick to share things that capture our short attention spans and can be viewed in an instant. In this next digital exercise, we’ll capitalize on this third concept by creating Flash Videos: short videos that you create quickly and simply and that capture our attention, encouraging us to share them.

For this assignment, you will work with a small team to create a video that explores one of the themes in Sherry Turkle’s “Always On.” I imagine you felt the read too long for your attention span. How could you convey one of the themes from the reading (not necessarily the content) in a shorter, visually appealing, shareable way?

You are encouraged to create and edit the video on your smartphone, but that shouldn’t limit your creativity. The best videos will use sound and visual effects to capture our attention and encourage us to share your work.

One member of your group will post the video on his/her blog. Then, post the link to that blog post in the comments of this page, so that they’re all in one place. I also encourage you to share your videos via Twitter, Pinterest, your blogs, and other platforms of interest.

This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade and will be assessed pass/fail. In order to pass, you must satisfy ALL of the following criteria:

  • Create an engaging video that is at least one minute in length
  • Convey a message or theme in the video that is clearly and directly related to the “Always On” reading
  • Receive a “Satisfactory” rating from the majority of your group members and have played a clear and valuable role in the creation of the video
  • Submit your video link as a comment on the assignment post before the start of class on Monday, Oct. 19